Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Here is some research I've been doing regarding consumer shopping behaviour; of particular importance is current trends in homewards and furniture. viewed 11/11/12

And looking at cross- shopping where consumers are likely to research online then buy in store here are some current statistics.

  • 47% of online shoppers will research their next furniture purchase online, but will buy it in a brick-and-mortar store. Source:
  • Retailer store sales influenced by online research are three times higher than total e-commerce sales (an estimated $132.4 billion in 2008). Source: eMarketer.

French, D. viewed 11/11/12

and lastly although you cant trust it to be very transparent as its purpose is to sell online shopping here is what google research says in relation to online furniture shopping.

Google retail advertising blog:

so what this all tells me is that as consumers get more comfortable with the internet and internet shopping a majority of retail purchases will take place online however in the furniture market the main purpose of the internet is research. people still want to go and 'check' their furniture purchase; possibly because it is often quiet a large financial investment. So, in relation to my assignment, by providing the 'research savy' consumer with an outlet to literally watch the furniture being built in the same space as buying the furniture then this will capture a large share of the furniture consumer market in the future.

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