Wednesday, October 31, 2012

presentation process

I had to stop drafting today as I need the next week to learn how to do / do my presentation. My personal focus this semester is getting the most out of honing and improving my presentation skills.

The style of presentation that I aim to achieve will have elements taken from a number of effective presentations I have seen throughout my 4 years studying.

principles for my presentation.

- simplicity: I want my presentation to read like a simple story. with no extra information but all questions covered.

-graphic- I want the images in my presentation to work with the spoken explanation but also enrich it by providing more information not just an exact image of what im talking about

- stylised - I want my presentation and board to talk to each other and my building to inform this style.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tutorial feedback

today in tutorial I showed peter my preliminary plans.




Peter seemed pleased with my progress. The main thing we discussed was the space in section in relationship to the experience of the space and how the 'beauty' of the scheme lay in the relationship between the artists living space and the rest of the spaces.

from this we decided that the workers dwellings should be more integrated and more visible almost like a loft above the shop front; these drawings were produced whilst talking about this to highlight this loft relationship.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Presentation - precedence studies

For  my presentation I often find that my nerves get the better of me and mean that I am unable to communicate my ideas to the best of my abilities. therefore for this presentation and the freedom given in presentation styles Im going to try to produce a 'complete package' video that includes all of my speaking. This way I will just have to engage in the conversation and feedback after my presentation ( which for some strange reason i never seem to be as nervous about. Im going to use the skills I learnt in second year re. movie making; it will be interesting to see how I go!!

here are some precedence studies for the type of presentation I would like to produce

some nice renders/ images in this one however the concept is a bit loose -

This one is awesome because it really tells a story however still includes the architectural information needed. -

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tutorial Feedback

last tutorial I was a little bit stuck. I got my program understanding early this semester and then felt a bit like i was stuck and didn't know how to proceed. So this week I changed tacts and started looking at the CRA very closely and looking at how I would present my ideas in the hope that it might spur me onto the next stage of my project. I went through all available information on black board as well as those goals discussed with Peter during tutorial and have come up with this rough plan; more of a mental map of the projects response to the CRA

Thursday, October 18, 2012

initial elevations

In section and Elevation the building will change the most. Allot of spaces that are currently subdivided will be opened up to serve a single function. The building will have less functions however they will be more interrelated.

The floor plan has been designed so that function move through the centre in a logical systematic order; one end (west) dedicated to the raw product, the centre the working and lastly the retail space and customer experience.

The large awnings have been kept as they define local identification of the centre and they are also industrial looking in keeping with the new centres function. The rest of the building will take these existing elements as a visual cue.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Assessment criteria

Last tutorial we went through the assessment criteria and defined how we would be assessed and how we aimed to meet the criteria. This was written down and given to our tutor.

This is mine :

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tutorial feedback

I showed peter during the tutorial what I had done so far re the floor planning sections and elevations and he was encouraging as to what I have produced so far. Peter recognised the push for Icon and branding in my design and agreed with this also. From here I will begin to model it up more permanently and I also want to look into the best and most effective way to present this work.

I have been saying Measured plans would also be good, and we have now got them so I will also try to revise all my plans so far to the measured drawings provided.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Here is some research I've been doing regarding consumer shopping behaviour; of particular importance is current trends in homewards and furniture. viewed 11/11/12

And looking at cross- shopping where consumers are likely to research online then buy in store here are some current statistics.

  • 47% of online shoppers will research their next furniture purchase online, but will buy it in a brick-and-mortar store. Source:
  • Retailer store sales influenced by online research are three times higher than total e-commerce sales (an estimated $132.4 billion in 2008). Source: eMarketer.

French, D. viewed 11/11/12

and lastly although you cant trust it to be very transparent as its purpose is to sell online shopping here is what google research says in relation to online furniture shopping.

Google retail advertising blog:

so what this all tells me is that as consumers get more comfortable with the internet and internet shopping a majority of retail purchases will take place online however in the furniture market the main purpose of the internet is research. people still want to go and 'check' their furniture purchase; possibly because it is often quiet a large financial investment. So, in relation to my assignment, by providing the 'research savy' consumer with an outlet to literally watch the furniture being built in the same space as buying the furniture then this will capture a large share of the furniture consumer market in the future.

Tutorial outcomes

During the tutorial last week, Peter and I discussed the implications that my proposed upcyling workshop would have on the existing architecture. we discussed the need for a hierarchical arrangement of spaces; with the workshop at the top of the hierarchy and all other spaces having a complementary and/ or supporting role within the building. Discussed in section, it was decided that the workshop should be the central space, elevated so as to be visible from a range of perspectives.

Images to come ....

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Worked Elevations

Taking their cues from a number of needs the elevations seemed to evolve by themselves.

The existing awnings as well as the function of the centre gave it an industrial program and therefore a strong industrial theme amongst other themes seemed necessary . This can be represented using visual structure, steel work and large open plan design. In order to function as a centre that draws the community and that people will visit, not only for buying furniture, the centre needed attractive branding. Being a recycled furniture depot and workshop essentially, a retro theme seemed appropriate; this also fits in with the surrounding character architecture. Inspiration coming from the iconic 50's and 60's gas station design, this idea for 'paddington depot' is born; also providing brand opportunity for future 'depots' in other suburbs and cities. 

When the upper level in no longer needed it allows more freedom to the ground level. the workshop which needs to be visual has been raised slightly. There is also a contrast in the centre between spaces that are public and encourage viewing and those more private. This contrast is emphasised with heavy concealing cladding or screening on those spaces not for viewing and the use of transparent materials where viewing is encouraged. The roofline form comes from the exposed trusses that were existing at the eastern throughway of the building. This roof connects and whole centre and defines its form.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Analysis - site

Last week I finally amalgamated all the information that I could find to create some Plans, Sections and Elevations of the existing site. I have to say, It is pretty crazy to give us an existing building project without providing us with any metes and bounds, dimensioned plans etc when it is expected that the outcome be an adapting of the existing.  However that aside I managed to create these and use them to do some analysis of the existing.

  Site :

so in summary, what can be seen from this analysis is that conditions within the centre are moderated by having the main building mass on the Northern and Western facades and this provides an opportunity to open the centre up visually to Latrobe Trc. There is also an opportunity to open up the Eastern facade some more to encourage greater interaction with the street and passing traffic.

This analysis shows the dominance of character typology in the surrounding buildings. This suggests that Paddington central needs more of a defining style. Also noted in this analysis is the presence of other mixed used zoned buildings directly surrounding paddington central. These building could be used to support / relocate any businesses displaced by future changes to paddington central.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Analysis- Program

The existing floor plan came from the body corporate website however has no dimensions on it. I have adapted it here and analysed the existing program.

In the future I perceive that a majority of the tenants physical spaces will have become redundant. Current online marketing and shopping behaviour has informed this component of my future fiction.

However, I also believe that there will be a backlash community of people seeking out the retail experience for specialist products such as fresh food. There will also be a fashion for all things artisan and handmade. This is a fashion that has been continuous throughout the history of mass production and only strengthens as individuals seek to display their individuality through their consumer choice; in a society where in many cases individuals become a population statistic.

( here is a link to a blog post I wrote about the blooming relationship between the fashion industry and architects as the retail 'experience' as its relationship to brand increases in importance. The premise is the same for this assignment in my literature )