Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Future producer/consumer economy

The architectural literature that we have establish for the first assignment is
' an economy where consumption is directly negated by production'. In order to facilitate this, the paddington site will act as one 'depot' for trade. Individuals wanting to acquire consumer goods will go to this depot where as payment for goods they will be assigned to work in a production project. In this way, the physical architectural resolution of these 'depot's' (for lack of a better work) may just be a point, like a toll point, where consumers are given their assignments. However it also could be a large built footprint used for storage , building practices or recycling. The way I am imagining these depots they are metabolic. They can grow or shrink dependant on use or need. In this way they may be modular?

One initial thought during this process regarding adaptable building systems was the children's building blocks, 'Magnetiles'

viewed:, 16/8/12

The process of resolving this idea was done through brainstorming and diagraming.
Below are a few images taken of our brainstorming process during the week three tutorial.

After Murray's lecture on principles and subprincipals of a design we established the following

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